Welcome to Keegan's Knines Julie Keegan Behaviourist & Dog Trainer
We offer Puppy classes, adult dog classes, rescue and reactive dogs training.
We also offer one to ones in some areas of Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and surrounding areas. To see if we cover your area, please get in touch.
At Keegans-Knines puppy classes and dog classes, we develop all aspects of on and off the lead control. Our aim is to help you and your dog achieve a long and happy partnership through training and or 1-2-1 sessions. We aim to help you understand your dog's needs and to develop a well mannered dog . Our classes now take place inside and outside. You will get lots of individual help at our classes. We use modern & kind, positive reward based training. No harsh handling is ever used in our classes. We do not just teach basic exercises, we teach life skills, things that you need when out an about in every day life.
We teach you how to bond, communicate and and have fun with your dog using simple and kind methods. All dogs and owners are individuals, what works for one may not work for another, so we find a way that will work for you and your dog. Training needs to be fun for the owner and the dog as well. You will learn how to train and understand your dog in a friendly atmosphere and the control needed for a happy relationship.
Our goal is to help you create an "everywhere" dog. A dog that you feel happy to take anywhere whether it be the park, or to a friend or family members house.
Humans and dogs are very similar, we both need mental and physical stimulation and companionship. Just like us they can develop bad habits when they are bored. Dogs are constantly learning whether they go to a training class or not, so make sure your dog is learning the correct behaviours. Start the way you mean to go on, set the rules from day one with your pup and be consistent, patient and clear. Prevention is always better than cure. Having a dog is fun, if you feel that you are no longer enjoying your dog, or he has developed bad habits, you do not have to put up with it, give us a call and we can help you.
Please note that once you start a course with us, no refunds are given for whatever reason. All classes run for a consecutive 6 weeks. See our terms and conditions for further details.
Our office opening times
Mondays 10am - 6 pm, Tuesday 10am - 4pm, Wednesday 10am - 6pm, Thursdays 10am - 5pm. Fridays 10am - 4pm Saturdays and Sundays closed.
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