Su & Benty, Luton, May 2024

Really like this lady's approach and principles. Having some experience with Guide Dog puppy walking, I have found her abilities with dogs and, more importantly their owners, to be very close to how I like to work with my dogs. Her patience and support are excellent and I always come away from her classes feeling exhilarated and excited about what I could achieve with my own pup. I don't always get there but she continues to encourage me, while understanding my difficulty because I have Parkinson's Disease.

Jackie, Dolly & Daisy, May 2024

I would highly recommend going to Julie, there are no harsh methods used during training it is all done through kindness, patience and fun. Julie gave me so much help and advice in the 2 years with my 2 Labradoodle litter sisters and although we unfortunately moved away they, and me, still remember the training and, because of Julie's help I can take them anywhere.

I think all owners should take their pups and dogs to a trainer and Julie at Keegan Knines is the very best

Nicola & Rosie, Luton, May 2024

Julie is currently training our puppy, who is on her 5th week at the classes. Julie is very knowledgeable and is excellent at what she does, she has really helped us get to grips with teaching our puppy to walk to heel which is one of our main concerns. Malcolm who works with Julie is also incredibly kind and supportive. Would recommend.

Julie & Lara, Houghton Regis, May 2024

Started going with Lara at 18 weeks. She's gonna be a big girl and needed her to be obedient.

She's passed her puppy class now we're doing bronze. She's doing really well. Julie is friendly, explains everything so you can understand, even shows you if you don't understand anything.

Malcolm is on hand to help as well. I think Lara is going to be a great obedient girl. Reasonably priced plus you can have individual lessons to if you need it. Very pleased i chose Julie to help train my girl.

Jane & Dexter, Luton, May 2024

Julie who runs Keegan's Knines and is a qualified trainer and behaviourist is brilliant. Our sausage dog is one of the most laid back sausage dogs most people have met and that is down to Julie's training - not just of Dexter but of us as owners as well. Before we rehomed our Cockerpoo (due to him not getting the attention he needed) Julie enabled us to achieve our puppy award and bronze award and were working towards our Silver when Myles left us.

Seriously if you have a puppy or dog, use Julie.

Her prices are extremely reasonable and you get s000000 much more than you pay for. You won't regret choosing Julie, she really is amazing. Been with Julie for about 2.5 years, I honestly wouldn't go anywhere else.

Jo & Pringle, Luton, May 2024

Started Julie's 6 week training course when our puppy, Pringle, was 4 months old. We were making such good progress with Pringle's training that we decided to book another 6 week course and kept going for 6 months in total. Julie also came to our house for an ad-hoc one-to-one session to help us with specific training issues we were having in the home. We found it extremely useful. There was nothing she couldn't help us with.

I am very proud of what Julie helped us achieve with Pringle and I get comments from other dog walkers about how impressed they are with Pringle's recall, stop and wait skills. I would highly recommend training your dog with Julie Keegan. It is a very rewarding experience and she has a caring and genuine passion for dogs. I will be forever grateful to her for the help and support she gave us. It was so valuable!

Frances & Rosie, May 2024

What a terrific trainer Julie is! We’re 4 weeks in to our 6 week puppy class and Rosie is doing so very well. Julie has 20 years of experience and it shows. She’s professional, extremely knowledgeable and can work with any dog no matter the problem. She also gives free advice to those booked on her courses which has been invaluable and I’m very grateful for all her tips. I booked a one to one with Julie as I was struggling with Rosie’s lead walking and lacked the self belief to handle her as I failed to master ‘heel’ with our three previous dogs. She was pulling and jumping up yet in just 15 short minutes under Julie’s guidance Rosie was walking nicely to heel - a miracle in my eyes! I really can’t recommend Julie enough.

Pam & Daisy, April 2024

I can highly recommend Julie to help with puppy training. We went along to two sets of six puppy classes with a very reactive Jack Russell. Julie recognised that our puppy needed to be separated from other dogs to start with as eye contact with them seemed to set her off. She was a very quick learner and picked up on all the basics very quickly. However, after engaging Julie with a 1-1 training session this has been the making of our dog! She keeps surprising me on a daily basis, and I can see just how far we’ve come by making sure the training is consistent on a daily basis. I cannot recommend a 1-1 enough if you have a reactive dog. It’s totally worth the money, as long as you stay consistent afterwards. Thank you Julie for your help.

Pam & Daisy

Graeme & George, March 2023

We've been with you now for probably coming up 1 1/2 years with Roxy and now Mr George and im going to be the first to admit, this outdoor walk was the best session we've done 😊, as we were putting all that training and work into reality outdoors.

Everyone there should be so proud of their dogs. Both George and myself loved every minute even the mud lol. I'm so proud of George tonight and especially proud to be part of this group .

Thank you for organising this for us all. Shame there wasn't a pub at the end 🤣🤣

Please put George's name down for the next group walk.

Kate, Stuart & Roddy, March 2023

We enjoyed the group walk very much. Roddy had an early night! Please put us on the list for the next walk.

Nirmal & Rolo, March 2023

Keep us in mind for the next group walk. We definitely loved this one and so did Rolo. He is exhausted in his bed.

Nick & Odin, March 2023

Odin is tired after his big day, thank you Julie for organising a great group walk.

Maureen & Daisy, March 2023

The wood walk was a great session, it was our first with you, but we really enjoyed it. All the dogs were so well behaved and it is such a friendly group too. Put my name down for the next one please.

Stewart, Helen and Bowie, August 2022

Today is my last day at Keegans Knines classes, but once Julie is fully recovered I am hoping that I can go on regular walks with her. It is Julie that has made me the adorable, much loved dog that I am, with some help from my family.

Thanks Julie you have helped us feel confident in being able to guide Bowie to being a much loved pet but with good behaviour at home unlike the feral gremlin he was when we turned up for his first class back in August 2020. Hope to see you again soon in either a workshop or walks.

Graeme, Sorayna and Roxy, Luton (2021 + 2022)

(11th June 2022):

 Julie and her team are very caring and put the dogs priority first and accommodate all your needs. Highly professional and both owners and dog learn so much. You may think you know what your doing and don’t need training school like we did but couldn’t have been more wrong. Best thing we ever did and initially enrolled for the 6 week puppy course. That was nearly a year ago.

She passed that and we were so impressed with our Roxy’s behaviour and what we learned on just 6 weeks that we continue to carry on all the courses and visits still there now. Its not just training its fun and also social skills for you dog being with other dogs and people, learning themselves how to react and how to behave in public. Our Roxy loves attending and knows exactly we’re she’s going when i get het training bag ready each week.

100% recommended, 100% honest and trustworthy. All they ask in return is that you carry on what was taught in class back home. Couldn’t be easier. So give it a try you won’t regret it…

(December 2021):

Hi Julie, Tbh when we got Roxy we were in 2 minds weather or not to find a training coach. We heard so many different stories and figured it was all about taking your money and why do we need one anyway. After all we’ve raised 3 dogs before. Now we’re proud to have Roxy and ive got to be honest, without you we wouldn’t be were we are today.

You came very highly recommended from people who have been with you, so we thought, worth a try. From the minute we started contacting you it was obvious you actually cared and was so helpful before we even parted with any money. So big thanks from me and Sorayna and of course Roxy for doing what you do. Im afraid though that you’re stuck with us now for the long hall.

Ian and Luna, Luton

Julie is very passionate about her training, very helpful and patient, will always help to achieve your goals. 

Linda and Ruby, Luton

As a novice dog owner I needed all the help and advice I could get to train my energetic 12 week old puppy. I joined Julie's class following a recommendation and we have worked our way through the structured progression stages of puppy, bronze, silver and gold. Julie gives good direction and reasoning for the purpose of the exercises and provides lots of invaluable advice for a new dog owner. She gives guidance and encouragement when things are not going so well and praise and recognition when they are! New challenges and recaps of previous tasks, together with games is the consistent focus of the lesson, with ongoing support available through the group chat or by private email.

During my time with Keegan Knines, Julie has come to know me and my now adolescent dog. I have appreciated all the help she has given us to get where we are today. I have a pretty chilled, well behaved dog who is a pleasure to be with. Thank you Julie for all your support and guidance, we look forward to continuing our training with you.

Amy and Alfie, Harlington

We have been attending classes with Julie since Alfie was a puppy and have worked up the class levels with him. As a puppy Alfie was over excitable and reactive to other dogs (his barking was very stressful at times) but with Julie’s help and advice our reactive, overexcited puppy turned into a calm, happy, anywhere dog. 

Alfie loves coming to class and Julie has taught us many games to keep his mind active whilst we’re at home or even out and about. People often stop and remark how lovely he is now. A big turning point for us was when we could walk him off lead in the park and he would come back to us no matter the distraction even if it was a dog eager to play! We’re very grateful for all Julie does and for her classes and would recommend her in a heartbeat

Jas, Hardeep and Arnie, Northampton

It's been a lovely year being involved in your classes. You and your team have been lovely in helping us understand and correct the behaviour in Arnie and get his reactivity under control. He's grown so much, and we've learnt loads of tips to make him become an everywhere dog! We know theres still a lot for us to learn and put into practice however you've given us an amazing stepping stone. We'll definitely be keeping you updated on our progress in the future! Thank you for everything!

Hannah and Raven

Just thought I'd tell you I was able to recall Raven mid chase from a magpie today I was so proud! Training is definitely paying off, it takes time and patience but when things start to click it's fantastic to see all the hard work and practice start to come to light. We are really enjoying our classes, you are a fantastic dog trainer and we hope to be working with you a long time to come.

Sandee, Ernie and Edie, Luton (Online training covid 19)

Admittedly, I was rather skeptical trying out online dog training. I am a complete technophobe! However, my 14-month-old staff, Ernie, has really benefitted from Julie Keegan’s in person and online training sessions. My aim is to have a well-trained, happy staffy, by August. We are adding to our family when we welcome Ernie’s little sister, Ella. As soon as she arrives, I will be enrolling her at Keegan Knines Puppy classes, whether it be online or in person in class, I want her to be well-trained and happy (the puppy months are very important). The earlier you begin your classes the better.

I can’t recommend Julie enough. Her knowledge and no-nonsense approach is a credit to her. Ernie loves her to bits. Ernie started with Keegans Knines as a pup and went on to do agility as soon as he was old enough and also acheived all awards up to gold  with Keegans knines. We attended for 2.5 years. Update Ella joined Keegans Knines as a pup and also went on to achieve her silver award.

Teddy and Sam, April 24th 2020 (Online training covid 19)

Just wanted to show off how far Sam has come. I can't believe that this is the dog that would ignore me, pull my arms off and run wild at the sight of anything only 3 weeks ago. I used to dread taking him for walks as he'd be completely out of control and I felt so bad and stressed. Today was our first walk as a family. Lily and Hamish were a bit ahead. Hamish is doing the filming, there is a dog behind him and a lady on her exercise walk, birds flying everywhere.

We were able to go all the way up Warden Hill and around. He barked at 2 magpies on the ground but now ignores flying birds and comes back reliably. He is starting to heel with a trailing lead even without a treat!!! I mean I am so amazed! And so grateful for all the advice! He is much calmer at home, having the house lead is just a life saver when he cheekily test the boundaries by jumping on the sofa! We can have our meals without one of us having to deal with him barking at birds in the garden incessantly.

The videos that you've been posting in between lessons have come in very handy. He now lies down calmly when we are loading/unloading the dishwasher, rather than licking the scraps up. That is not to say that in 3 weeks we've cracked it. He will still be cheeky, pushing boundaries, etc. However, I was expecting it would take us months to get to this point, not weeks.

Sorry for the long message, just wanted to show we really, really appreciate everything. Can't wait until Monday! All the best, keep safe.

Rosalyn, Disco and Jelly. Luton, March 2020

We have been with Keegan Knines continuously for over a year and a half. Being a complete novice when it comes to dog’s I wanted a trainer who not only provided excellent training, but who also cared. This was the case with Keegan Knines staff, but particularly director Julie who runs all classes. Since we’ve started Julie has not only taken an interest in both our dogs but also me and my daughters as dog owners. 

We have two female pugs, Jelly and Disco. Both our dogs started at 6 months in puppy classes. Both initially reactive, but Jelly more so. Disco has attended training classes every Saturday since we joined. Eventually we decided to have a one 2 one with Jelly, and in September we transferred Jelly to agility classes, where she is coming along in leaps and bounds compared to her first lessons!

Disco too is thriving in her classes and has achieved dog of the month twice! The classes cover a wide range of essential information, which can be especially helpful if you’re a new dog owner like my family was. Classes cover good dog health, heel work, tricks and everything in between. 

There hasn’t been anything that we have come up against that Julie has not been able to address and give good advice on. We wouldn’t consider another dog class. I don’t think Jelly would let us stop lessons anyways, her tail wags every Monday night like clockwork! It’s a fun and enjoyable atmosphere for all who take part, especially our pugs who love it the most. But our actions speak louder than words as we continue to enrol with Keegan Knines in foreseeable future.

Jodie and Dory, Luton, September 2019

We’ve been using Julie for a while now and the progress and achievement in Dory has and still improves every day. Dory can be very nervous around people and dogs and Julie has been working with us to overcome this and help get her more confident. Dory has come out of her shell since using Julie, she absolutely loves going to lessons her tail doesn’t stop wagging,

Julie is very helpful if you’re unsure on what to do or have any concerns. I do recommend and will carry on recommending Julie as you can tell she loves her job and is very good. 

Jacqui, Nigel, Finn and Mollie, Luton, September 2019

We have been a member of Keegan’s Knines for nearly a year now. We have Mollie a 5 year old timid Cocker/King Charles Spaniel and a 13 month old Cockerpoo named Finn. We attend training classes for Finn, who is now training for his silver award, and is becoming a very sociable dog. We have started agility classes with Mollie, who is absolutely loving it. It was Julie who suggested trying her with agility as she is so timid.

With Julie's help she has become a different dog. She's in a different world when she's jumping and it is so lovely to see her so happy. She takes treats from the other members now which is great to see and her tail doesn't stop wagging from the moment she's there until the time she goes home. Julie has helped us enormously and can't thank her enough for all her help both with Finn and Mollie.  

Stuart, Helen, Scott and Molly, Luton, August 2019

As first time dog owners, we quickly realised that having an energetic Spaniel / Collie cross was going to be a (daily!) challenge……..starting puppy classes with Molly at 13 weeks old was one of the best decisions we made. The exercises taught at class are explained in detail, and the theory / reasoning behind them is also explained – this helps owners / handlers understand WHY that exercise is of use, rather than just being shown the mechanics of the various tasks. In truth, Julie’s classes are as much about training the handlers as they are training the dogs – we often attend as a family, which is welcomed, and we’ve learnt that handler consistency and leadership are the biggest factors in helping to shape a young dog’s behaviour. 

We’ve had some tough times with Molly – particularly in the early days (resource guarding, not travelling well in the car, pulling & biting on clothing) but Julie & her team have always been there to help – whether at class, on the phone, or via email / social media. All of the aforementioned behaviours were successfully changed with some expert advice and guidance. Molly is now working towards her Platinum award, a feat we would have said was impossible when we first started classes. No dog is ever ‘perfect’, and we still have a few issues to work through with Molly, but we now feel well equipped and suitably informed to deal with whatever she throws at us next! 

We’d have no hesitation in recommending Keegan’s Knines to anyone looking for either obedience or agility classes, regardless of their dog’s age or breed.

Luke Melissa and Luna Woof Woof! Luton, August 2019

Amazing dog trainer! Julie has helped us with better knowledge and understanding of how dog training should be taught, to be patient, and consistent with the homework, all the do’s and don’ts we get taught. 

 We’ve been delighted to be attending Julie’s puppy classes which we have received a puppy award, bronze award and now working towards silver. This lady is just amazing at what she does and we will be sticking with Keegans knines for the near future. We appreciate everything you’ve done for us and would recommend you to anyone. Thank you .

Charlotte, Houghton Regis, August 2019

We have been working with Julie from Keegans Knines now for 8 months and what a difference it has made. Our girl is both people & dog reactive so with many other trainers this really limited our options as they only ran classes which would mean putting our dog and ourselves in close proximity to both of these triggers. 

Julie is fantastic in that she offers a one to one service outside of a training class environment. We’ve had 3 sessions this year with the view to move into the reactive dog class that she teaches maybe towards the end of this year. Even though we do not have the benefit of the weekly training classes just yet, following a very in-depth initial one to one - Julie sent us our report and our doggy homework for us to start bonding with our dog and is always on hand with any additional questions I have had along the way. 

For anyone with a reactive or nervous dog, I would highly recommend Julie as a behaviourist and trainer. The steps we have made so far with our pooch is fantastic! Thank you!

Dave and Benson, Luton, December 2018

Benson (a very friendly and excitable Cockapoo) and I have been attending training classes with Keegan’s Knines since he was 3 months old. Prior to this I was a novice dog owner. In the intervening 2 years with, the help of Julie Keegan and her dedicated team Benson has achieved his Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum awards and has won dog of the year for 2018. More importantly Julie has been able to provide us both with a solid foundation of training throughout puppy classes upon which to build and grow in ability and confidence. As a result Benson and I have moved onto more advanced training in adult classes and gundog classes.

With the professionalism and friendly support provided by Julie week in and week out Benson has become a dog that I have been able to take anywhere. He is responsive, well behaved and a pleasure to take for walks. Julie’s classes are always a mixture of activities that help you improve your dog’s behaviour and wellbeing as well as, consolidation of previously learnt exercises that help you perfect, your behaviour control. The whole course is about allowing both owner and dog to get the best out of each other based on mutual respect and leadership where necessary.

Above all Keegan’s Knines classes have always been a place that Benson has looked forward to going to and have provided us with friendly, patient and expert advice along with lots of readily available support across a range of social media whenever we have needed it. So a massive thankyou to Julie, for all your help and support. Without it I would not have the ‘go anywhere dog’ we have now. I would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Keegan’s Knines to anyone wanting to enrol on a dog training program

Jackie and Dogs, Luton, December 2018

I have been going to Keegan Knines for about 18mths now, I have 2 very bouncy, energetic, playful Labradoodle sisters. Having 2 sisters from the same litter I now know can be very challenging and going to Julie's classes have helped me and the girls enormously, they are much more calmer and better behaved. Julie has provided invaluable help in training the girls and me to be a more responsible owner. She is quick to help with plenty of advice and support in classes and at home.

The classes are varied, interesting and friendly both my girls have done the obedience, agility and gun dog classes and have both gained their gold certificates, something I didn't think possible in the beginning all this is all due to Julie's professionalism and commitment to ensure a complete programme not just for the dogs but for the owners too.We have also done some one to ones with Julie helping me with any problems that have arisen. Julie also does dog sitting for her clients and looked after the girls whilst we went on holiday it was so good for them being in their own home, having lots of walks and fun training.

I was happy being away knowing my girls were being well looked after by someone who was totally dependable and trustworthy with my dog’s best interests at heart. Best thing I ever did was going to Keegan's Knines and I can't thank Julie enough for all the help and advice she has given me and we will continue to go to classes, all the training is really worthwhile. Thank you Julie for your commitment to dogs

Regards Jackie & Dogs.

Kaye and Monty, Caddington, August 2017

Hi Julie, took Monty for a long walk along the canal today and he was brilliant. He coped with people stopping to say hello, groups of dogs off lead, boats, locks and so much more. It was a lovely afternoon for both of us. He might not always do as he's told but he's come a long way!!

(Monty joined classes just over 3 months ago prior)

Sheran & Eddie, Toddington, August 2017

Second testimonial from Sheran & Eddie

Hi Julie, Suddenly everything really falls into place, all that training and practising is really worthwhile. We are having a brilliant week in Cornwall with Eddie he's in doggie heaven talking to lots of other dogs, many are really friendly and come and say hello but a quick word reminds him to focus. We know how good he is at hoovering up any food wastage but a quick 'leave it' reminds him and he leaves it alone... painfully I'm sure. Heel walking is great, although he gets really excited when he gets out of the car and wants to race off, within five minutes though he's walking really well 'to heel' whether we are going through busy streets or quiet lanes.

We've been able to eat in pubs and restaurants undisturbed- Ed has sat patiently under the table, so much that when we leave people have commented how surprised they were that Ed was there. Probably the best part has been playing with Ed on the beach, having now found a toy he's interested  in retrieving we have enjoyed off lead walks and playing fetch across the beach throwing a few 'stops ' in as we go. He's been really good with water but seems a little apprehensive with waves and runs away from them, but we're working on that!

So I will stop ranting and say a big thankyou from us all and see you next week.

Chris and Nellie, Luton, June 2017

Nellie is a strong willed, affectionate and playful two-year-old Cocker Spaniel. Both Nellie and I have benefitted enormously from our training experience over the last 2 years with Julie and her dedicated team at Keegan's Knines - special acknowledgement and thanks goes to Jason. 

Nellie and I have attended two blocks of Puppy Training classes with Julie and we are now continuing our training with refresher lessons to reinforce and improve on heel work, attention and obedience skills.  The results, for both of us, have been great. Julie's professionalism and commitment to ensuring a complete and comprehensive training programme has inspired both Nellie and I to continue to improve our skills. 

We are looking forward to individually tailored One-to-Ones, Agility Training (which Nellie has already proven to be rather good at!) and even Gun Dog Training. Recently Julie has also provided expert and totally dependable Dog walking & Dog Sitting support when we were on holiday. 

Overall, I cannot thank Julie and her team enough for being so dedicated to our canine friends as Nellie and I continue to enjoy our very special relationship!

Nicola and Mac, Luton, May 2017

Mac did not have a great start in life – he was a Turkish street dog that was run over at about 3 months old. This left him with pins in his foreleg, no hip joint on his right side, and a fear of traffic. His short time on the streets and the treatment he got from some people – especially men - left him scared of people. He reacted to pretty much anything and everything!

Mac and I have been attending classes for 8 around months now and the change in him is astounding. He is so much more confident. We have been able to move from the reactive class to a regular class and Mac has even passed his Bronze! There is always one-to-one attention in classes, which are always varied and interesting, and Julie has individual plans and progress for each dog / owner - I confess that Julie has trained me as much as Mac!

I cannot recommend Keegan’s Knines enough. Mac and I love going and will be attending for a very long time.

Jan and Robson, Luton, May 2017

Having had 2 older rescue dogs that were not trained, when we got Robson he was 9 weeks, we were determined to train him to a level that we wanted and also to socialise him with other dogs which was an issue for both our previous dogs. When Julie came to us for a 1-2-1 we found her very accommodating and friendly, she understood what we needed and spent 2 hours with us at home and gave us lots of encouragement and lots to work on, on our own at home.

Her classes are a great help too, just gives you extra support once a week to help with the training at home. Can't recommend her enough. Will definitely be attending more classes.

Sheran and Eddie, Toddington, May 2017

We have been attending Julie’s classes with our labradoodle since he was 11 weeks old - he is now 18 months and he has just achieved his Gold award, something we never felt would be possible when we started.

We find the lessons very helpful, Julie’s approach builds our confidence which has helped our energetic doodle settle into our family life. A BIG THANK YOU!

Carol and Ruby, Luton, May 2017

I began attending classes with my Labrador after advice from a behaviourist who stated that Ruby was a reactive dog who would only progress through extensive training and with certain methods that I was not comfortable using on my young dog! I was at my wits end when I found the website for "Keegans Knines". 

I contacted Julie who assessed Ruby, she told me she could help and I began attending class. Ruby and I have worked our way from bronze up to platinum group which is where we are now . We have had so much support from Julie and the other assistant trainers that I can honestly say now Ruby is very much a different dog! The ability to attend a class on a Saturday morning is also a bonus for me as I work full time. 

Julie is very hands on at class she will explain things to you and is always contactable outside of class if you have any issues with your practice. I can honestly say classes have been money well spent for me and my dog is actually a joy to be around now! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Louisa and Obi, Luton, February 2017

Julie has helped us with our ever stubborn strong willed 8 month old beagle Obi since he was 5 months old. We got to the point we just couldn’t manage him, but after a 1-2-1 with Julie she showed us how to get back on track to a happy polite puppy and happy home!

Her and her team are always friendly and quick to help and during classes where there is always plenty of support. Would recommend every time!

Jane and Poppy, Luton, February 2017

Julie is an excellent puppy and dog trainer and very supportive, she worked wonders with my very stubborn Shih Tzu Poppy. We also attended a workshop which we really enjoyed and learned so much more. The standard of training is excellent, can't  recommend Julie and Keegans Knines enough.

Going to Julie's training class was the best thing I done for my self and poppy she goes through everything with you also if you have a problem out of class all you have do is phone her nothing is to much trouble for her.

Matilda and Pandora, February 2017

Hey Julie! I hope you and the team are well, I just thought I'd give you an update on Pandora - we went to your puppy classes from when she was 3-7 months old. I would have loved to continue but unfortunately the class times clashed with work. Pandy is 1.5 years old now.

Her breed (Shiba Inu) is infamous for being stubborn and hard to train. Pandora is so well behaved, she is like a little angel and I'm sure your classes helped a lot with this. I can leave her home alone for as long as I need to and she never cries or chews on anything, she gets on well with my other dogs and cats, she is totally unphased when meeting new dogs during walks too and is polite with them (no pulling towards them or rough play etc.) She can be let off lead in fields and will wonder but comes back when we call her, she will leave and stay away from any stuff on the floor that might be dangerous for her to pick up. 

She is still a little shy of strangers but a breed trait is for them to be very aloof and so I think that's mostly the reason, since during and outside of your classes we socialised her so much. She's great at the vets and will stand to be checked, and groomed and bathed when she's at home - she might not like it but she puts up with it without resisting! All of these things and their methods were taught at your class and so with consistency they have definitely worked with her. Sometimes I forget that she's even here because she causes me no problems whatsoever, especially for a young dog who is full of energy she can control herself very well and knows all the rules very clearly.

Mandy and Flash, Barton Le Clay, February 2017

Julie has known my Basenji Flash since he was ten weeks old and I really believe that he is the happy, confident little dog he is, because of the positive training we experienced during her puppy classes. We also did some continuation classes and 1:1 work at my request at home, as I was struggling with leaving Flash alone without him stressing. Julie gave me some great advice and in no time, I had a puppy who understood that he was perfectly fine spending a little time alone.

Julie works at each individual dog’s own pace and always explains the reasons behind what she is asking you and your dog to do, so you not only get results, you understand why. I wouldn’t hesitate in pointing anyone…and their dog…in Julie’s direction. Flash and I have recently started beginner’s agility with Keegans Knines and he is loving every second of it.                                                                                                              

Jodie and Lexi, Luton, February 2017

Julie is great with my pup Lexi. We have been attending Julie's dog training classes since Lexi was 3 months and we've seen such a difference in her.

I totally trust Julie when she is walking Lexi and she comes back very tired ☺ Highly recommend!

Laura and Zak, Luton, October 2016

Zak had a great time on holiday. He was very reactive when we first got him but after classes with Julie he's settled down lovely. He played on the beach and sniffed other dogs without any problems. Thanks Julie Keegan for helping us on our way to an anywhere dog. Today Zak joined the beginner’s gundog class and he did really well.

Sarah, Nick and Willis, Luton, October 2016

We have been going to Keegan's Knines since Willis was a puppy so that's over a year now. We have also done a 1 to 1 with Julie. We love how passionate Julie is about dogs and we always get an answer if we ask her a question or just to get her opinion. Willis loves going as well (probably because he gets treats) but you can also tell he loves Julie and all the other helpers there.

We wouldn't go anywhere else for dog training now and we can't wait to start some agility classes soon! Julie is great with dogs and knows all there is to know about training a dog. Thank you Julie and the team for all your help and hard work every single week.

Roy, Lynn, Oscar and Jack, July 2016

Hi Julie, we just wanted to say a huge thanks for helping us with training Oscar (at the front) and Jack (on the right). We have been amazed at the transformation in just 6 weeks. Having tried other trainers before we were beginning to give up hope of being able to establish some sort of order with our family of Chihuahuas but you and your team have shown considerable expertise and patience in a friendly environment.

We have already recommended you to several of our friends and look forward to educating our remaining furry friends in the Keegan Knines approach to training. Well done and thanks again.

Louise and George, December 2015

I would like to give a huge thank you to Keegan's Knines for making the 1st Christmas with our rescue dog a fantastic Christmas. We came for 6 classes when we first adopted George. This was the best decision we ever made.Being taught how to correct our over excited dog by getting him to perform a command for a reward, to the advice on accessories was invaluable. and the all-important motto "a tired dog is a happy dog" We also learnt that our new pooch was extremely intelligent!!

On Xmas day this year We planned to stay at my parents with him overnight with my sister, husband and 3 excited kids being there all day too. I was so worried it would all go wrong and the squealing children would lead to him racing around and knocking them over!! But Xmas day came, I took George out for over an hour to run around the fields with a dog friend of his, we went back to my parents and we waited for him to calm down using positive reinforcement.

He was so well behaved; I still can't get over it! He was calm, he listened to the whole family. I now know that I can take our excited boy anywhere, as long as we put the right things in practice. Thank you to Julie and her team, we would not have been able to enjoy our George without your input.

Christine and Parker, Silsoe, September 2015

Thank you for a good session yesterday and the report Julie. I had a lovely walk with Parker in the sunshine this morning where we saw lots of dogs. I used the "yes" command and also "find" to draw his attention, which worked well. He had a good test at the entrance to wrest park where there was a group of approx 10 dogs on what looked like an organised walk. We took a wide berth  and did "yes" and walked past them all! Regards.

(Parker has joined our classes and is doing great January 2016 see our gallery for a recent photo of him in class)

Hayley and Jasmine, Toddington, August 2015

Thoroughly enjoying all the training with Keegans Knines. Very supportive environment and excellent standard of training. I have attended training with other schools and they do not compare to the standard offered by Keegans Knines. Julie I also wanted to let you know that there is a huge difference in Jasmine coming away from other dogs when I tell her.

She used to be at full lead extension barking and would not come back without me pulling her in with her still barking away. Now I call her and she changes direction away from the other dog. Thank you to Julie and to all the team. I look forward to continuing for a long time to come! Best wishes.

Sue and Chip, Luton, July 2015

Hello Julie, hope all is going well. I just wanted to thank you for all the help you gave us with Chip. We continue with the training methods you instilled in us and am happy to report that Chip is now off the lead at the park without any problems. He is mixing well with other dogs without any aggression, responds to drop, sit and come but has not mastered bringing the ball back with him. As he is now able to run off all his excess energy his behaviour has improved.

I hope eventually to get chip involved in the agility side of things when I have the time, when I will contact you again. All the best

Angie and Jess, Luton, July 2015

Great day at the workshop, lots of new tips and tricks, and a very  tired dog at the end of it. Looking forward to the next one.

Sarah and Poppy, Luton, July 2015

Thoroughly enjoyed the heel work and recall workshop today. It was good to spend extra time on the things we all really need the help with. The time went so quick, but very happy with the results I got with poppy at the end. Happy owner and very tired dog.

Carol and Ruby, Luton, July 2015

Can I just say thank you to Julie Keegan for a great workshop today, it was very informative and I found it most helpful especially as I'm trying to get my Ruby to walk to heel without her headcollar. She is very easily distracted by other dogs but now i have some new techniques to practice.

The dogs did really well in the heat and all in all it was a lovely morning. Also thanks to Kat and Carol for their support and help to!

Tony and Dougie, Luton, July 2015

Thanks for a great lesson today with the workshop. Dougie seemed to enjoy it too as he is now flat out. 

Francesca, Archie and Robin, 25th Jan 2015

Dear Julie. Thank you so much for the last year of training. I cannot believe how well Archie has done in such a short space of time. Archie and I love learning together and have so much fun in your classes and putting it into Practice at home and on walks. Without this we would never have been able to take him to our wedding.

Best wishes Francesca, Archie and Robin.

Sarah and Poppy, Luton, 14th Dec 2014

6 months ago I took a very nervous little girl to Julie at Keegans Knines. She was 11 months old. Poppy came over from Ireland to a rescue, as an unwanted litter of 8 little girls. She was just 12 weeks old when we bought her home. Looking at training for her was a bit of a minefield but someone mentioned Julie and her classes. Well to say poppy was nervous walking into the hall would be an understatement! She was shaking! It didn't take long for Julie to put us both at ease, taking things very slowly so as not to frighten poppy and build her confidence. To look at her now it's hard to believe that it is the same dog. Her confidence has grown immensely and everyone is greeted with a tail wag.

We started agility classes too, which was hard to begin with as every piece of equipment needed gentle encouragement. But now she gets so excited going in and does all the equipment with great speed! We both have great fun. I am very proud of poppy with the progress she has made especially as she has just passed her silver award. In the new year our new challenge will be gundog classes. I am looking forward to the year ahead with poppy and Keegans Knines. Thank you all.

Linda and Rusty, Luton, October 2014

Hi Julie, I just wanted to say a 'huge' thank you to you and all your staff!
Just over two years ago I asked for your help. I had given a home to Rusty, my first dog, a rescue. He came to us with lots of love but with many behaviour problems too, including dog aggression in a big way.

I first had a 1 to 1 session with you at my home to asses what we needed to work on, we then started to attend your classes on a Monday evening. At first, every minute was a challenge as Rusty decided he would spend the entire evening barking at whoever dared to look in his direction. With careful guidance I was shown how to deal with this effectively and reached a huge milestone was when we achieved our bronze award, (I say 'we' as it's been hard work for both of us) and since have gone on to gain our silver, gold and lately our platinum award.

Putting in the hard work has really paid dividends for both of us. Rusty will always have that 'little dog' attitude but I can honestly say I'm very proud now to say he's mine as he's a truly wonderful little dog. We have recently started agility classes, and what fun we are having! In my wildest dreams I could never imagine we could take part. How wrong I was, he's fantastic!

Thank you again, it's been an amazing journey with still loads of fun things to learn!

Caroline, Andrea and Teddy, Luton, August 2014

When Teddy became a part of our lives we decided that it was really important for him to attend dog training classes as we wanted Teddy to be an obedient and well behaved dog. After looking at various dog training classes in the area, we decided on Keegans Knines and signed up for our 1st 6 weeks of puppy training.  We have now been going for just over 3 months and both Teddy and ourselves have learnt so much.  Julie is a fantastic dog trainer and her classes are fun, interesting and informative. We would never have known how to have trained Teddy without attending her classes, they have been invaluable in Teddy’s progress and development.

Teddy has come along in leaps and bounds. He has already gained his Puppy and bronze certificate and is steadily working towards his Silver.  We will definitely be continuing with the obedience classes.

We would totally recommend Keegans Knines to anyone considering taking their dog to training classes. Julie herself is a very knowledgeable, friendly and helpful person and is always available to give help and advice.

Lesley and Dot, Luton, July 2014

Thank you so much Julie, I was very shocked when you told me we had gained our platinum award last night. You are an amazing trainer and a wonderful person who, with your team, makes coming to class a joy. I would, and do, recommend you to all dog owners. Well done to everyone else that got awards yesterday. Thank you again. Dare I say it...agility here we come!!!"

Mark and Aza, Luton, July 2014

My dog Aza and I started at Keegans Knines in March this year. Aza had just turned 2yrs and I had begun to get to the point where I didn't enjoy walking her anymore. I felt that she lacked focus and she would point blank ignore me if off lead. Aza had been to another trainer for puppy classes and I now realise that this is where her issues stemmed from.

Since starting at Julie's classes Aza has come on leaps and bounds, I love working with her now and really enjoy our walks. Aza's focus has improved massively so much so she has passed her bronze and silver test now. We have also started agility with Julie and Aza loves it. I have no doubt we will reach platinum level with the help and guidance of Julie and her fantastic team.

Chris J & Bentley, Luton, June 2014

After 1 week of new dog ownership & having forgotten what a young dog (18month old staffordshire bull terrier), was like, I was pulling my greying hair out! It wasn't the dogs fault & we had already agreed when we got another, we would start training. Without wanting to waste any time, the hunt for a trainer was on immediately! Luckily we found Julie & Keegan's Knines straight away & we were accommodated into an already running class. This was great as we hit the ground running.

First off we were given a 1 on 1 with one of the trainers, so that we (dog owners & dog!), could learn the basics straight away. We fully understood that we didn't know how to handle a dog correctly, so were looking for guidance & help ourselves! I wasn't expecting them to train my dog (common mistake), but to help us train him! This is new to all of us, tempers can get frayed & boundaries pushed, but we have persevered. I could list the commands that he now obeys, but there's too many!

Thanks to Julie & her extremely helpful & knowledgeable team, we have achieved so much. Like everything though, as well as constantly learning, repetition & practice are key, as well as don't give in!

Kris & Charlie, Luton, June 2014

After a couple of weeks reading various training techniques from the internet I found there were too many ways of training your dog and I couldn’t seem to get them to work. My wife then pushed me to take Charlie to puppy training and whilst I was initially reluctant to take Charlie as I wanted to train him myself and was nervous that both Charlie and I wouldn’t pick up the training tasks quickly enough I was so happy when I finally went to Keegan’s Knines.

Julie and the team made us feel very welcome and got us started with the basics straight away, assisting all the way. Charlie has picked up the techniques very well and he is now working on attaining his silver award. I would highly recommend Keegan’s Knines for puppy training and feel confident that anyone attending their sessions would feel the same way.

Chris and Shelby, Dunstable, June 2014

My boxer Shelby really enjoys her Monday evenings taking part in the Agility class and then, when she has got rid of some of her boxer exuberance, settling down to an hour of training. We were made to feel at home immediately and have now become part of the furniture. Julie is not only an excellent trainer, but she is very fond of all the dogs and was especially supportive when Shelby recently had an operation on her elbow. Shelby is a typical enthusiastic boxer and we have definitely benefited a great deal from her training sessions.

I was so proud of Shelby’s behaviour at the vets and hydrotherapy sessions during her recent illness which was down to all the training she has received from Julie and her team.

Thank you so much Julie- and no you cannot take her home with you!

Priya and Kayla, Luton, January 2014

We have a Siberian husky who we all love very much . As we are first time dog owners, I thought it is good for us to go dog training class. We found Julie's contact number in our local pets store where we normally buy food for our dog. I  spoke with Julie over the phone & started our training lessons.when I first started the training I thought that I would just do 6 weeks,but I didn't give up, because to train a puppy is like having a newborn baby in the family, lots of hard work & without the hard work we would not reach our goals.

One piece of advice that Julie gave to me was you have to be consistent, work with your dog where ever you are, teach her the same rules apply any where you go, not just on training days. Now I am on my 15th week of training with Kyla and working hard on her heel work and obedience.

About Julie I just want to say she's not only a dog trainer she's very friendly & helpful and makes me feel comfortable. In the class she trains all the dogs no matter their ability, she advises us exactly what we need to do to achieve a well behaved dog. Also her team are very helpful & friendly too. Julie & her team offers us so many helpful tips in her lessons she helps me with all the different things I need to help my dog including the amount of exercise she requires. Julie’s face book page also  is very  helpful for any dog owners. I contact Julie if I have any concerns about Kyla and, she always responds back even if she only has 2 mins before she goes to work she will clear my doubt/ worries.

Going to Keegans Knines Now makes me feel like I am not going to a dog training place, but going to a family place. :) if anyone asks me for dog training place I would recommend Keegans Knines, as it is a fun experience that makes a good bond between you & your puppy.

I would like to thank Julie & her team for helping my dog & me.

Jade and Lola, Dunstable, May 2013

I would highly recommend Keegan Knines to any dog owner!! The classes are fun and challenging and I have learnt something new during each class. Julie is fantastic!

She works with the various breeds of all sizes, shapes and issues and approachs each dog and owner with a vast amount of knowledge and tips as well as a sense of humor and patience. It has been a pleasure working with you Julie and I look forward to hopefully working with you again soon (once I can convince Jamie to get another dog!)

Love Jade and Lola xxx

Sam, Jo, Anne & Blaze, Luton, May 2013

We started at Keegan’s Knines just over a year ago as first time dog owners.  We were unsure what to expect, especially as we had heard a lot of negative opinions regarding training Beagles.  We are pleased though that we did not listen too much to these opinions. 

With a lot of hard work and overcoming some very difficult and testing times, we now have a well mannered dog that we can take anywhere.  None of this would have been possible without the support, guidance and expert advice of Julie.As well as attending classes weekly, we have had two 1-2-1 sessions with Julie.These have been invaluable and we would highly recommend these to everyone!  Julie always finds alternative ways of teaching to suit each dog which is just what we’ve needed at times.

We cannot thank Julie and her team enough for all of their support and guidance.  We are so happy with how far we have come with Blaze and it is rewarding to see the progress we have made. We look forward to continuing learning and developing our skills and would highly recommend Keegan’s Knines to any dog owner. 

Julie and Oreo, Luton, April 2013

I'd never owned a dog before, so when my family decided we all wanted a puppy I knew I would want to do things properly to raise a responsive dog that was well behaved and good with both children and our friends. I researched puppy classes and keegans Knines just stood out for me.

I sent emails and always got a full reply. Oreo and I have now done 5 classes with Julie and her team and I'm so happy with the progress my puppy has made in this short time that I am going to keep going after the 6 week initial pup course to ensure I really do have the dog we all want at home and when out and about. The advice we get at those classes is priceless and most importantly Oreo enjoys learning and pleasing. Thank you Julie.

Peter and Finzi, Harpenden, 25th May 2013

Dear Julie, Finzi and I very much enjoyed the workshop today, it was the best, and most helpful, trainning we have ever had. Thank you .

I would like to book a place on the walk on Sunday 9th June please. A brilliant trainer. Finzi loves her. Best wishes.

Finzi went on to doing beginner's agility and did really well (June 2014)

Jackie and Pixel, Luton

Pixel and I have been attending classes with Julie at Keegans Knines for almost a year now. In that time I have learnt so much about being a  responsible dog owner. Pixel and I have had fun in class and he has become a lovely dog who is doing well with his trainning - thank you Julie!

Richard, Shelley and Dexter, Luton, March 2013

We have only been going to puppy classes for a few weeks now and we are extremely happy with what Julie and her team do They are always willing to answer any questions we have and provide you with excellent teaching techniques as well as follow up information if they are unable to answer the questions immediately We highly recommend any of you with puppies or older dogs that want a friendly reliable and professional dog trainer to give Keegans knines a call.

Carolyn, Nick & Bramble, Luton, March 2013

We consider ourselves extremely privileged to have found Keegan's Knines. We started taking Bramble an 11 week old golden cocker spaniel to the puppy classes. Having had 2 border collies previously we had been to puppy classes before. Both Nick and I were astounded by the level of training in the small classes,the fact that we were all working together at Keegans Knines whereas previously it had been one dog on the floor at a time.

Both Julie and Nikki were very welcoming and they didn't mind how many times they had to show you something to make sure you get it right. Each day there is different information put on Facebook a lot of which we were unaware off. Bramble got his puppy award and previously at the other classes that is when we had stopped classes, but this time,  we realised this was just the beginning and Bramble's now 7 months old! 

Julie is always there to give advice but she doesn't make you feel silly for asking. I would recommend Keegan's Knines to anyone with a dog. The classes are fun as well and there is always variety. Julie and her team put a lot of hard work & thought into them. Thanks Julie we don't know what we would have done without you.

Bramble is now working towards his bronze award

Angie and Baz, Luton, March 2013

Totally awesome Julie at keegans knines. Fun and informative group classes.Thank you so much Julie.  I booked and had an excellent one to one. Loads of information and advice on how to work with Baz my pup. Lots of stuff to do and will get whole family working on it with me.

Great to have you on board.Needed a trained eye to work out what needed to be done for Baz to stop both our anxiety when he's left alone. Can’t fault the service, knowledge support and advice from Julie. Top woman. Will recommend you to everyone I know with dogs and I wouldnot hesitate to recommend Julie and keegan's knines to anyone who needs help with issues their dogs/puppies have.

Cant thank her enough. Many thanks again.

Suzanne Ellis and Poppy, Dunstable, February 2013

Really proud of our little puppy poppy. We went out this evening and again tonight and she walked to heel. And I had her on a long line in park and she came back even when another dog was running towards her.

Thank you Julie

Claire, Dan and Ruby, Luton, January 2013

Ruby has just achieved her silver award thankyou Julie. We could never of done it without you and your patience! Ruby has done really well and still loves enjoying new things! Just goes to show what the right guidence can do!

Massive thank you to you.

Love Claire and Dan oh and of course Rubes xx

Brenda, Tony, Matt and Doris, Dunstable 24th Nov 2012

We were having problems with our puppy Doris. We have followed Julie's advice completely and success.

We now have a happy settled pup who sleeps in her crate all night without any problems We cannot thank you enough Julie.

Linda and Rusty, Luton, September 2012

Just wanted to say thanks for a fantastic afternoon yesterday. I feel like we have learnt loads during our 1-2-1, just need to put it into practice now. Rusty is so much calmer already.

My hairdresser came shortly after you left and couldn't get over how different he seemed. All this without a word about your visit! Can't wait til Monday for our first lesson although will do lots with him before then!

Debbie and Kasia, Luton, 29th July 2012

Hi Julie. I am proud of my kasia dog this morning,she has been to her first carboot sale and successfully wandered round without too much reaction to other dogs.we went early so she was not too hot and there were not too many other dogs, which was less stressful for her first attempt. We'll go more often now. Kasia enjoyed it and got plenty of fuss from stall holders.

Thank you. Keegans knines training is paying off. thanks julie.

The Fletcher's family and Zara, Luton, July 2012

Our Family recently Rescued our 13 month old Beautiful but timid Doberman Zara. Zara had not been socialised with any dogs and showed fear and aggression if one came towards her. Thankfully I found Julie through my local pet shop, we then had a one to one session.

We were advised how to handle Zara around other dogs and build her confidence. We had a great time and learned lots of new ways to help her. We then signed up for classes, Zara has come on so much, she is happy and confident around other dogs and has just recently passed her Bronze award test and we are now working towards our Silver. We have great fun with the dogs in class and learn lots of new ways to keep them healthy, happy, safe and stimulated.

Julie has always given great advice and always so happy to help. Zara is an even better, well adjusted member of our family. With hard work and a great trainer who knows how far we can go? the sky’s the limit.

A big thank you from the Fletchers.

Jayne and Baxter, Buntingford, June 2012

Last September we rehomed a rescue dog, having had a dog before we thought it would be plain sailing, we were sadly wrong! Then we joined Julie’s Saturday dog training lesson and her help has been invaluable, she is always on the end of the phone or email. Nothing is too much trouble for Julie and she is kind & very patient.

It has been hard work but with the help of Julie we have a very different dog,who now is almost chilled out, he is great off lead and comes back when called. Julie comes highly recommended, Baxter has gained his bronze award and he is now training to get his silver award.  Thanks again Julie for all of your hard work with us. 

Jayne & Baxter achieved their silver in July 2012 and are now working towards gold! 

Anne and Poppy, Toddington, April 2012

Just after Christmas my wonderful friend and beautifully behaved dog sadly died. So a few weeks later I took on Poppy who was 9 months. She is my 6th golden retriever so I thought it would be really easy to get her trained.  What a mistake!!! She arrived with separation anxiety, noise sensitivity, almost no training and she was a bag of nerves.

Luckily for me I was told about Keegan's Knines. Keegans Knines have worked wonders with both of us. Poppy is loads better and so much happier. I owe them a great big thank you. During my dog owner life I have been to many training classes and what is special about Keegan Knines is that as well as doing the important obedience Julie looks at the dog as a whole and teaches you ways to keep them happy and occupied. This is such an asset with a lively dog.'

The one thing I would say to anyone having problems, is that the best thing that I did was to ask Julie to come to our house for a 1-2-1 session. It made a massive difference for her to see us in our home situation.  Julie, Your training worked wonders, Poppy was great with the baby at our family get together and everyone was most impressed, thank you very much.

Anne & Poppy have now achieved bronze & silver and are  working towards gold)

Jodie & Daisy Toddington Bedfordshire

I am just writing to say a BIG thankyou for all your hard work and effort in our puppy training classes. I was amazed that in 6 weeks our puppy Daisy & my self managed to learn so much and at the end we achieved our puppy foundation award. I will continue to put all your good practice in at home and would have no hesitation in recommending you to others!! Thanks again.

Phil, Paula, Lewis and Jess, Hitchin January 2012

From our first lesson as novice dog owners, Julie made us totally welcome. Our 13 year old son, Lewis, has done virtually all of our dogs training, brilliantly guided by Julie. Julie always has time to discuss any issues you may have, and the tips and ideas she has told us to do at home have been invaluable. Julies enthusiasm is infectious, she clearly loves training dogs and they respond so well, even our mad puppy, Jess. We can wholeheartedly recommend Julie  to help train your dog".

Jess has come along way, achieved her bronze and is now working towards her silver.

Caroline and Coco. January 2012 Buntingford

 Julie's class is very friendly and professional, I enjoy the support she gives and would not hesitate to call her and ask for her advice. Coco my Pointer has come on really well since attending Julie's sessions,she has progressed quickly from her puppy class on to working towards her Bronze award. Hopefully  we  will continue to join Julie at classes  for some time to come. Julie is a true dog lover.

Caroline and Coco received their bronze and are now working towards silver.

Carol and Millie April 2012 Luton

Hi Julie I would like to thank you for all your help.  Millie has become a lovely family pet.  We have been taking her for off lead walks using your recall techniques and she has been wonderful.  Once again, thank you for all your help. 

Please let us know if you are holding any walks or events because we would be pleased to support them.

Lisa & Alfie, Toddington, Feb 2012

Hi Julie We had a great time on the puppy walk today beautiful sunshine, great paddock and great puppies thank you can't wait for the next one.

Alfie loved it too love Lisa & Alfie 

Susan and Toby, Luton, Bedfordshire 2011 + 2012

(December 2011):

Thank you for all your help this year with Toby. Your support and advice has been invaluable. I am looking forward to learning more in the new year,  Love Susan & Toby

(March 2012):

Toby and I have already learnt so much from coming to your classes, from basic commands and simple tricks to the harder stuff such as heel work and recall. We really got a lot out of our one-to-one session, your time and patience is much appreciated and I’m really looking forward to putting your advice into practice!!

Thank you so much Julie! 

Rosemary and Poppy, Dunstable Bedfordshire (2011 + 2012)

(August  2011):

Hi Julie, as a first time dog owner I arrived at your class with my 11 week old west highland terrier, very nervous not sure what I  was getting myself into, but it didn’t take me long to realize that the training was as much about me as my dog. Julie you gave me the confidence to see that I could achieve, sit, down, stand, Stay  and even recall with such a young puppy. The first week Poppy cried when she did her recall but her confidence has grown as I have followed your guidance. She now walks to heel  which is great, as it took me forever to go for a walk, as she had to stop and sniff everything. I would recommend Keegan’s Knines as  it is giving me the skills to become a good dog owner. 

(January 2012):

I was having a few problems with Poppy my westie at home and out in the park. I Spoke to Julie during the classes and she suggested a 1-2-1. It was just what was needed .  We spent time at home going over things and then we went to the park. In the park we went through how to  prevent and deal with unwanted behaviour and how I could become a better handler. I would recommend a one to one to anyone, as I got so much out of it. I had more time to ask questions and try things for myself with Julie looking on knowing that if I needed help with anything that she would be there to guide me.

Rosemary and Poppy achieved their silver award in May 2012 and their gold in November 2012.

Tracy, Matthew and Rolly, 24th Aug 2011

Rolly joined our family 3 months ago when he was 8 months old. We were told he had never been in a car or been on a lead. Our last time  at classes was some 19 years ago so we had forgotten what is was like to have a dog who was full of beans. On joining the class we found everyone was friendly and very encouraging,just what you need on your first day back at school!!!

Julie is always positive and calm with owners and dogs She is full of simple tips that with practice, make the relationship between dogs and their owners easier andmore enjoyable so both are well behaved. Her 1-2-1's are invaluable, a must if you have any problems which during classes there is not time for or better solved without distraction.We would thoroughlyrecommend anyone to join as it is a fun way to become a responsible owner. 

 Thank you so very much Julie it has been a pleasure coming to your classes, see you in the new year dec 2011

Nicki, Toddington, Beds, April 2011

Hi Julie I Just wanted to drop you a quick line to say a huge thank you for all your help training my 6 month old Schnauzer puppy Ava. Ava is our first dog so it was slightly daunting when looking into puppy classes.  However, you made us feel very welcome and we are both thoroughly enjoying the classes and getting so much out of them.  I was delighted to pass our Puppy Foundation and we are now working towards our Bronze Award.  I could not have imagined being able to do this a few months ago and Ava really is a different dog and listens to our commands and responds accordingly (most of the time!).  As she is now in the adolescence stage she is starting to push the boundaries somewhat and your advice in how to deal appropriately with this behaviour has been invaluable and has made being a dog owner even more enjoyable and rewarding.

I have been extremely impressed with your professionalism and patience and I really appreciate the fact that you are always happy to answer any questions or concerns that I may have.  Your constant encouragement and advice keeps me positive when we are having a bad day!  As a ‘virgin’ dog owner it is great knowing that there is someone I can call if I have a problem who will know how best to tackle it. Thank you so much again and I really would not hesitate in recommending you to any other puppy/dog owners out there!

Nicki and Ava achieved their bronze in May 2011