Telephone counsultation:
These are ideal for a new pup or adult dog that has had no training or a rescue dog. These last one hour.
Pre Vaccine one to one package:
This is suitable for puppies that have not yet had their vaccines and cannot go out. It is a 2 hour session at your home to get puppy off on the right footing to start with. includes toilet training, crate training and more.
New Puppy already vaccinated one to one Package at home:
This package contains 1. 5 hour consults & training with you and your puppy in your home and outdoors once puppy is allowed to go out.
Behaviour consultation for puppy or adult dog:
This is for anything that cannot be covered at a class, where you need that one to one help. These will take place out and about or at your home.
Recall session:
A 1 or 2 hour morning or afternoon session out and about We will look at why the pup or dog is not recalling. Cover whistle training, come away from distractions, impulse control & focus exercises.
Lead walking one to one:
This is for you If you have an adult dog or puppy that pulls. A one hour session. With the young puppy he or she will not be walking for one hour, we will be taking lots of breaks.
Reactivity to other dogs/people:
For reactive dogs we recommend our package of 3. The price includes History taking in advance of consultation and preparation of the session. It also includes a written report that you will receive typed up 72 hours after your first sesssion. This will cover step by step details on what is required for the change in the behaviour. You will also receive access to our on line fb group where you will find tips daily to help you with your dog. this also covers a training pack full of tips that will be sent to you via email, as well as any relevant handouts. You will have 3 x1 hour face to face sessions. These must be taken within three months of the start date. This programme usually involves 5 hours work on our part. All sessions will be held out and about, at our venue or at your home dependsing on each individual case. Please note as your dog requires your full attention on a one to one children are not allowed to join the one to one. Follow on sessions may be recommended.
Serious Problematic behaviour:
Resource guarding, multidog household issues, any aggression towards people, territorial aggression. Contact us for a tailored quote.
Refresher classes or sessions:
This is for anyone that has done classes in the past with me already and you just need a refresher. These are a set of 2 and will be done either at our venue or out and about.
One off assessment session:
30 mins session. This is for anyone that is not sure if their dog can attend a class. This is where Julie will assess if your dog is ready to join a class and advise which class will suit your dog best, or suggest one to ones to prep your dog ready for classes. This will take place near one of our venues.
Home visits:
These are suitable for all dogs or puppies.
For further details on any of our services please give us a call.
Please note due to a high demand we only take bookings accompanied by a payment. Payments are non refundable and only transferable if we are given 24 hours notice.
By booking our services you are agreeing that you have read, fully understood and are happy with our T&C.